Easter Trip Photos

Over Easter I took a trip to the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.  I still intend to write more detailed descriptions of this trip, but for now, I've finished commenting and uploading my photos.  There's 550 of them uploaded, so I've broken them down into sections corresponding to the days of my trip:

If you view the pictures in Firefox or Internet Explorer they'll be in slideshow format, and you can make them full-screen.  Otherwise you can page through them in a more standard browser window.

The first day, Wednesday, consisting of the train ride from Stockholm to Amsterdam: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1263.jpg?ref=2
The second day, Thursday, during which we explored Amsterdam: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France 2011/DSCF1333.jpg?ref=2

Friday, in Ghent and Bruges: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1357.jpg?ref=2
Saturday, in Ieper (Ypres) and the Trappist monastery in Westvleteren, Belgium: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1444.jpg?ref=2
Sunday, at Versailles: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSC00110.jpg?ref=2
Monday, in Paris, at Sacre Couer, Notre Dame, Saint-Chapelle, Les Invalides, La Tour Eiffel, and elsewhere: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1549.jpg?ref=2
Tuesday, in Paris, at Les Catacombes and the Musée Rodin, plus the first part of the voyage back: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1694.jpg?ref=2
And Wednesday, on the voyage back from Germany to Stockholm: http://cid-79412ff903e4128e.photos.live.com/play.aspx/Netherlands-Belgium-France%202011/DSCF1848.jpg?ref=2

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